Thursday, December 10, 2009

An Introduction

Hello there! 

I think you should know that I am bad at beginnings.  If you give me the first paragraph of a story, I will write you a novella.  If you sing me the first few notes of a song, I will compose for you a small, multi-movement choral work.  If you get me started on an organization project, I will catalog your whole house.  But nobody is here to give me the beginning of this blog, so I’m going to pretend that the blog has already begun, and that we are already dear, dear friends. Are you ok with that? Fabulous!

As you know, dear friend, I love cooking!  I love sharing my cooking with my family and friends!  I love talking about all things cooking!  Sometimes, at night, when I can’t get to sleep, I imagine I am making sweet dough for pecan sticky buns.  Why?  I don’t know, because they’re delicious and it’s too cold to stick my hands out from under the blankets to read a book.  I imagine making other things too, ok, like caramel or bread pudding, but the point here is that I enjoy cooking a LOT.  So this is a blog about food.  But also about the magic that happens when people come together to share something delicious.  You can expect a few recipes, stories, and tips from my adventures in the kitchen.  Also some pseudo-philosophical reflections on the importance of food in life, or something like that.  And, dear friend, I hope you will enjoy reading this blog as much as I enjoy writing it.

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